Is Your Skin Feeling as “Fresh As A Daisy?”
It’s finally springtime! The sun is warming the earth. The flowers are awakening. Their blossoms are unfolding. Everyone and everything seems to be as “fresh as a daisy”....except your skin. It’s been cooped up all winter. Perhaps it feels a little dull. Maybe you’ve noticed a bit of uneven skin tone or a sunspot or two. If this is you, then let me help you get some spring in your step and discover just how daisies will help you feel as fresh and as beautiful as they are.
Daisies Of Old
Bellis perennis, or wild daisy, has been around and used for medicinal purposes for a very long time. It was anciently known to be under the dominion of the Roman goddess Venus because the daisy was “good in curing all the pains caused by that fair goddess, particularly those of the breast.” John Gerard, a famous surgeon, horticulturist, and botanist during the latter end of the renaissance wrote of daisy, “it taketh away bruises and swellings, and in old times was called Bruisewort” This beautiful flower was included in the medicinal gardens of ancient Egypt as well as their temple gardens for religious ceremonies. And, it is believed the name “Bellis” is derived from the Roman word “Bellum” which is Latin for “war” because during war times and battles the wounded were treated with the extract from their juice. “Bandages were soaked in this juice and would then be used to bind sword and spear cuts.”
Battle Cry or Crying From the Battle?
Hopefully you won’t be waging battle anytime soon, unless, of course, it’s with your relentless pile of laundry. In that case, attack! Go! Fight! Win! Or maybe your battle has been with your skin. Sometimes trying to find that perfect solution for your specific skincare needs can be difficult. It can be stressful. Sometimes, it can even cause the waterworks to flow. I am here to tell you there is no need for your skin to feel like it’s “pushing up daisies.” We’ll take a gentler approach. Don’t cry! Daisies are exactly the weapon you’ll need to achieve healthier skin and a natural brightness that will leave you glowing.
Unlocking The Secrets of Daisy
Uneven skin tone. Sunspots. Wrinkles. Sagging skin. These are all legitimate skincare concerns for which daisy has a remedy. You see, daisy flower extract is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. Antioxidants in skincare are very important because they help firm and tighten the skin. Very useful for wrinkles and sagging. It also contains a natural substance called L-arbutin. L-arbutin is a natural chemical that will help to lighten the skin. This is especially helpful in treating sunspots, dark spots and uneven skin tone.
These properties are exactly why Bellis Perennis Flower Extract, or Daisy Flower Extract, is one of my key ingredients in my Vital Botanical Serum in my skincare line at Daisy will visibly diminish the appearance of dark spots and discoloration, uneven skin tone and create a brighter and more luminous complexion. Does that not just brighten your spirit? Your day? How about your skin? So no more “whoopsie daisies” in your skincare routine. You now have just the remedy you need! All thanks to a happy flower we like to call Daisy.
The Daisy by T.F. Seward
“In the early Springtime, when the violets grow,
When the birds sing sweetly, and the soft winds blow,
Comes the little daisy, blooming fresh and fair,
Springing bright and joyous in the morning air.
Sunny little blossom, on your slender stalk,
How much you would teach us if you could but talk!
Ever looking upward, all the livelong day,
Bright your faces turn to catch each sunbeam’s ray”
My dear friends, we have learned much from the little daisy. And it’s brightness can be yours in reflection and complexion. I encourage you to give it a try. I know as you consistently apply the Vital Botanical Serum, you will see results! I hope I have given you something to help lift your confidence in your daily life. Taking care of yourself is so very important. Let me know how you and your skin are feeling in the comments below. And subscribe to our email list. There you’ll find access to more posts that I know will bring you health and healing.
Until next time my friends!
- 1 Fernie, MD. The History and Capabilities of Herbal Simples. The Hospital. 1891 Jan, 17: 246
- 2Hollman, Arthur. John Gerard, Physic Gardens and Medicinal Plants. Journal of Medical Biography. 2011 May. (19): 48.
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